Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Shidduch Rebbe

Welcome to the Shidduch Rebbe.
Many people have small to crucial questions and don't always have someone easily accessible to ask. So now the Shidduch Rebbe is here via email (no internet required) to fill this gap in many singles or their parents lives.
Our Rebbe is a person who is constantly involved in Shidduchim, had a strong kesher with one of the leading Gedolei Hador of the previous Dor, and has substantial experience giving Eitzos in Shidduchim that have led to many happy marriages of frum people.
The Rebbe will answer all your shidduch questions. Simply email and you will receive a reply in approximately 1 week. There is a fee if your question needs an urgent reply. Otherwise it takes up to a week for a response.

1 comment:

  1. The Shidduch Rebbe is here already, even though Purim is not.
