Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Unqualified therapists breaking apart mishpachos and families turning children against their parents.

 Unqualified therapists, is a growing problem in the frum community which many blame the high divorce rate as a direct result of this. Over 15 Rabbonim in Boro park signed a letter on Erev Shavuos 5774 calling on klal yisrael to be very careful when choosing a therapist for their children or for shalom bayis. There have been many cases where unqualified, untrained and in many cases unlicensed counselors are providing therapy services to children with the wrong hashkafos and methods that are not al pi Torah. Children are taught to hate and disrespect their father, as a result there is no respect or kibbud av v'em. Instead of helping and fixing they are only worsening a situation. These therapists both men and woman, do not consult with any rabbonim they go about with secular hashkafos breaking apart yiddisheh famillies. The number of broken homes and alienated children is staggering. They are creating living yesomim.

Couples who come for shalom bayis counseling, instead of helping and placing shalom between husband and wife, these therapists are causing friction and divisiveness, resulting in many homes and botei yisrael to be destroyed, marriages broken apart. The staggering number of divorces R'L in the frum Torah community is partially to blame on these therapists who push for it without having any hadracha.

Parents should only send to therapists who have backing and those that Rabbonim can count on.


  1. because the fact that 14 Rabbonim signed can also mean that 114 didn't! Refused to!

  2. The 15 who signed are no small names.

  3. I have seen this many times in Lakewood. Many divorces came about from incompetent Therapists many of them are very young with minimal life experience some are woman who do not consult with Daas Torah/older experienced Rabbonim. The shocking part is they will meet one spouse with out ever meeting the other while working on Shalom Bayis. G. @#&. in Lakewood does this all the time & many of her clients have divorced. A women starts off going for some personnel issue & in no time she brings down the marriage. The problem in Lakewood is even greater. There are 2 state funded clinics who offer free therapy so people go with out realizing the minefield they entered in to. You can ask The Roshay Yeshiva, Rabbi Jacobs & most Rabonim & Askonim in Lakewood they will agree to this. I recently heard from a top family Court attorney in NJ. She feels strongly that the high divorce rate that has sky rocketed in Lakewood in the last 3 years is to a large degree due to the incompetent Therapy available there.

    1. A friend from Lakewood told me the therapists there are destroying families and the Rabbonim are scared to start up because they will run to authorities. These are frum therapists that are bilking the Government for problems they create in order to get more clients. They have literally made living orphans.

  4. What is the name of the therapist that was on the letters and posters? Last name was S... - what was the first name - as a Frum Boro Park school is bringing a therapist to give parenting advice. I believe she has the same name. I would like know if it is the same woman.

