Sunday, October 13, 2013

Transcript of video on meeting between Rav Ovadiah Z'tl Yosef and Rav Chaim Pinchas Sheinberg Z'tl in November 2008

Below is the transcript of the conversation on the video between Rav Ovadiah Yosef and Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg it took place in November 2008.
ROY= Rav Ovadia RS=Rav Scheinberg
 ROY says that he fell and has strong pains in his back preventing him from learning Torah because of it he wants to learn but he cant because of the pain.
  RS- Hashem will help him he should have a Refuah shleima and should continue to write his chiddushim on shulchan aruch Rav Ovadiiah begins to cry, at that point Rav sheinberg tells him Not to cry. He continues crying and RS assures him that hashem will help him without any doubt.
ROY than gives Rav Scheinberg a bracha they both wish each other to merit to see the coming of mashiach and hold his hand.
 ROY tell RS that he mentioed his chiddisum on halacha in his seforim and heaps praises that RS should continue to spread torah and he quotes the pesukim of ben porat yosef ben poras ali ayin..od yenuvun beseivah desheinim verananim.
 ROY continues to cry and RS reassures him not to cry to which ROY responds that hes crying because of his sins he quotes the gemara that Yesurim only come because of sins.
 RS cries along with him and tells him not to cry. He should continue to write his chiddushim. They inform ROY that RS is leaving to America and he gives him a bracha to continue to be marbitz torah. upon leaving Rav Sheinberg is presented with a new sefer from Rav Ovadia and he gives him a bracha of arichas yamim to continue publishing more seforim and spread Torah.

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