Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Internet Asifa 2013 not about the Internet

Inline image 1 The 2013 internet Asifa has changed its message its not just about filtering the internet, but more about rising to the next level of challenges, the effects and side effects of modern technology, such as time wasting and reduced attention span. The Youtube phenomenon where everything private such as wedding videos is uploaded or the leitzanus clips making fun of kol davar shebikdusha is of great concern. The Ruchniyus challenges to use technologu more safely is more severe as the use of technology has increased significantly over the last year. A string of follow up Asifas are planned for cities across North America.
 The Ichud hakehilos will be starting with 3 Asifa's on the anniversary of the Citifield asifa.
The Yiddish speaking Asifa will take place Thursday erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5773 in Brooklyn, May 9,2013  at the 18th Avenue park in Boro Park, starting at 5:45 pm. There will be 10,000 seats set up. Rav Yosef Liefer of Satmar will emcee the event, Speakers Rav Aaron Schiff of Antwerp, Rav Dovid Olevski of Gur, Rav Tzvi Halperin of Adas Yereim.

The English speaking Internet Asifa will take place in Lakewood Thursday may 9, 2013 at Bais Faiga hall and Lake Terrace hall with a live hook up to frum communities across North America. The program will begin at 8:15 Speakers, Rav Mattisyahu Solomon Shlita Mashgiach Beth Medrash Govoha, Rav malkiel Kotler R'Y Beth Medrash Govoha, Rav Elya Brudny, R"Y of yeshivas Mir Brooklyn, Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin R"Y Telz. A highlight of the event will be a special presentation "the evolving digital challenge". The Asifa's are for men only, upcoming asifas for women to follow.
Monsey will also have an Asifa at the  Rockland Boulders baseball stadium in Pomona, Thursday night  May 9th, 2013 for a rally about use of the Internet. From 7-10 pm , The Viznitz Rebbe from Monsey Rav Mordechai Hager shlita is said to attend the event. There will be a $10 ticket fee. 
There will be a Live hook up in Monsey to the English speaking Asifa at the Atrium plaza starting at 8:45 pm.
There will be a live video Hookup of the internet Asifa in many cities for info call 732-333-2263 or email


  1. If this is truly where the thinking is going, more power to them. IF.

  2. Are women invited this time?
