Sunday, December 11, 2011

New low for Williamsburg Sikrikim

Just when things cant get any worse after a tragic car accident claimed the life of 62 year old R' Meilich Weiss Z'L  Friday night on his way home from shul in Williamsburg. The Sikrikim proved themselves at the  levaya on sunday morning. Pashkevilin written in Yiddish were thrown along the route by some that are opposed to the Eruv in williamsburg. Since the Niftar was  on the commitee of the vaad  H'eruv of williamsburg. The Pashkevil claimed anyone who desecrates shabbos the Shabbos will avenge those who desecrate her by stoning them to death. It mentioned the Niftar by name, and called on all to stop the Chilul shabbos in williamsburg.

The machlokes over the Eruv untill now was fought in the Batei medrash among rabbanim. Apparently these sikrikim only know of one method.

1 comment:

  1. this is sick.these people should be called out.
